
Hello dear!
I am Trips Chetu.
I belong to science field and teacher by profession. And let me tell you that
” I am always eager to learn new things”.
That’s why I explore life in different aspects.

I am a social media writer, speaker and poetess. I want to make people aware of life and motivate them to do what they want to do. That’s why I am here with this blogging page “Life Exploration”.

I am here to help people to be happy, because happiness is the main goal of everyone’s life.

But first we have to know that what is the real meaning of happiness. Is money, luxurious life, financial security, marriage with loved ones these all give us real happiness?

May be you say yes this time. And it is also true that you will definitely get happiness from all these factors. But that is only for a while. And after some time it won’t really matter to you. Even if it matters, it cannot give you real happiness.

And real happiness comes only from our right approach towards life. And for that we have to observe human life, observe ourselves and our surroundings.